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Mô tả :       Flame retardant fabric, also known as flame retardant fabric is a textile fabric that is resistant to fire, or does not catch fire when burned directly. Fabrics that are flame retardant due to chemical treatment or made of special fibers that are resistant to fire.

Flame retardant fabric is a fabric that is designed and treated to be fire resistant, i.e. the ability to resist catching fire and to remain safe when exposed to fire. Flame retardant fabrics are often used in applications that require a high level of safety, such as in industry, military, firefighting, medical, and also in consumer products such as workwear, vests. armor, curtains, mattresses, sofas, and car seat covers.

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1. Application of flame retardant fabric.

There are many applications of flame retardant fabrics in many different fields. Here are some examples of common applications of flame retardant fabrics:

  • Industry: Flame retardant fabrics are used in workwear to protect workers working in environments where there is a risk of explosion or exposure to fire, heat, or chemicals. It is also used in items such as gloves, helmets, armor, and firefighting vests.
  • Military: Flame retardant fabrics are used in the military to protect soldiers from fire hazards and provide safety in combat environments.
  • Firefighting: Flame retardant fabrics are used in protective suits for firefighters to protect them from fire hazards during the course of their duties.
  • Medical: Flame retardant fabrics are used in medical apparel, such as operating room suits, to reduce the risk of fire and protect medical staff and patients.
  • Furniture: Flame retardant fabrics are used to line curtains, sofa covers, mattresses and other interior materials, to reduce the risk of fire and protect property in the event of a fire.

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2. Characteristics of flame retardant fabric.

  • Flame retardant fabric is a fabric specially designed and treated to reduce the risk of fire spread and ensure safety when exposed to fire. Here are some key characteristics of flame retardant fabric:
  • Flame Retardancy: Flame retardant fabric is fire resistant and difficult to burn, which helps to prevent the spread of fire and reduce the risk of fire and explosion.
  • Self-extinguishing: One of the important characteristics of flame retardant fabrics is the ability to self-extinguish after the source of fire is removed. This helps to reduce the impact and risk of harm.
  • Heat Resistance: Flame retardant fabrics are generally highly heat resistant, able to withstand high temperatures without decay or damage.
  • Insulation: In addition to being flame retardant, flame retardant fabrics are often also thermal insulators, keeping the temperature inside the material stable and preventing outside heat from entering.
  • Chemical resistance: Some flame retardant fabrics are also chemical resistant, resistant to the effects of corrosive substances and aggressive chemicals.
  • Fastness and color fastness: Flame retardant fabrics usually have high strength and color retention after flame retardant treatment.
  • User safety: Flame retardant fabrics are usually treated to meet fire retardant safety standards. This ensures that the user is not exposed to the risk of fire and explosion and the harmful effects of fire and high temperatures.
  • Smoke and Toxin Control: Some flame retardant fabrics are designed to reduce smoke and toxic gases generated during combustion. This ensures uncontaminated surroundings and enhances user safety.
  • Wide range of applications: Flame retardant fabrics can be used in many different fields, including industry (protective clothing, fireproof curtains), medical (non-combustible tape), automotive (interior) safety furniture), aviation (fireproof fabrics for seats and equipment) and many other applications.

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