Instructions for handling after contact with glass wool glass wool
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If you are working in a place with a lot of fiberglass around, you should know how to remove all the irritating fiberglass from your skin. Small glass fibers when in contact with the skin will cause discomfort and itching in the exposed areas, causing severe discomfort and can lead to allergies in some people.
![Hướng dẫn xử lý sau khi tiếp xúc với bông thủy tinh protective gear when applying glass wool](upload/sanpham/bong_thuy_tinh/do-bao-ho-lao-dong-ca-nhan-ppe-tieng-anh-la-gi.jpg)
"Look for a roll of highly tacky duct tape, or electrical tape that won't tear when yanked and is sticky enough to pull the glass wool fibers away from the skin."
Here are the guidelines for handling glasswool safely after coming into contact with it:
1. Personal Protection:
- Wear protective clothing, safety glasses, and a mask to protect your skin, eyes, and respiratory system.
2. Minimize Contact:
- Limit contact with glasswool as much as possible.
- Avoid inhaling glasswool dust.
3. Work in a Well-Ventilated Area:
- Use glasswool in a well-ventilated area or under conditions with good airflow.
4. Use Specialized Tools:
- When cutting or handling glasswool, use specific tools designed for the task.
5. Inspect and Clean Tools:
- Ensure that tools used for working with glasswool (e.g., knives, scissors) are cleaned and free from glasswool residues after use.
6. Wash Hands and Shower After Contact:
- After handling glasswool, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.
- If you have significant contact with glasswool, take a shower after completing the task.
7. Safe Storage:
- Store glasswool in a dry, cool place, and keep it out of the reach of children.
8. Eye and Skin Protection:
- If you come into contact with glasswool on your skin or in your eyes, rinse the affected area immediately with clean water and seek medical attention if necessary.
Keep in mind that glasswool can cause itching and skin and eye irritation, so always adhere to safety measures when working with it. If you suspect that you have been exposed to toxins or experience health issues after contact, consult a doctor immediately for assessment and treatment.